Game Day GOAT Drill 1 Rep Method: A Simple and Effective Warm-Up for Athletes
Triphasic Training Method 26 – Created in 2015
As a performance coach, you might often be asked about the best drills for game day or practice. The Game Day GOAT Drill stands out for its simplicity and adaptability comp[ared to the off-season or full goat drill concept. Here’s a quick guide on how to implement it effectively on Gameday or before practice
What is the GOAT Drill?
The GOAT Drill is a versatile warm-up that blends physical and mental exercises to enhance coordination, motor skills, and brain function. It involves a figure-eight pattern around two objects, stimulating multiple brain regions to boost athletic performance. More Details here for Training
How to Implement the GOAT Drill on Game Day or Pre-Practice
- Set-Up: Place two objects (cones, water bottles, etc.) for athletes to move around. The objects can be positioned close together or farther apart depending on the desired intensity.
- Perform the Figure Eight Pattern: Athletes continuously move in a figure-eight pattern while counting backward from 101 or 102, subtracting three each time they complete a lap (e.g., 101, 98, 95). The goal is to reach zero, keeping both the body and mind engaged. Complete One Rep of the Drill and the athlete is ready to go!!
Other options and variables
- Keep both eyes open during the first part of the drill until you pass 75. Then, close one eye until you pass 50, and switch eyes. After passing 25, finish the drill with both eyes open.
- During the drill, move the object around your body, and at each counting interval—75, 50, and 25—reverse the direction in which you move the ball around your waist.
This is a Simple set up for the Drill
Benefits of the GOAT Drill
This drill enhances coordination, sharpens focus, and serves as a valuable cognitive warm-up, preparing athletes for peak performance during practice or games. Its adaptability makes it suitable for various athletic settings and skill levels.