Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method (SPAC) – A Workout Method for Elite Athletes and Other Fitness Lovers
In the world of fitness and strength training, there are countless workout routines and training methods that promise to deliver exceptional results. One such method that has gained popularity among elite athletes is the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method (SCDT). Originally introduced as, Escalating Density Training EDT by Charles Staley this has been modified and adapted by many, and today, it remains a favored choice for those looking to improve their work capacity and endurance and lay the foundation for overall athletic performance.
Introducing the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method (SPAC): Unlocking your body’s full potential.
The Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method (SPAC) founded in 2008 is an innovative training approach designed to maximize muscle density and capacity. By increasing work output and gradually adding weight as strength improves, this method pushes your body to adapt and enhance its performance. With a focus on completing more reps and sets within a specific time frame, SPAC efficiently builds work capacity and boosts aerobic conditioning.
The idea behind SPAC originated from the concept that necessity drives invention. After being inspired by a lecture from renowned Russian sport scientist Yuri Verkhoshansky, it became clear that fitness and work capacity levels play a crucial role in laying the foundation for optimal training and maximizing training responses. To address the challenge of building aerobic capacity without subjecting athletes to strenuous long-distance running, I devised a solution utilizing the weight room and applying optimal methods of manipulating reps and sets.
Instead of having our athletes Jogging for 25 minutes at a high heart rate, causing unnecessary strain on their legs, we implemented the principles of escalating density training. This involved performing one repetition of a given exercise, such as bench press or deadlift, with 50% of their one rep max (1RM). The athletes would alternate between exercises at a fast pace for 5 to 10 minutes, depending on the desired workload. This method, combined with various exercise pairings, allowed for multiple sets lasting 5 to 10 minutes each, resulting in a total workout duration of 25 minutes.
After implementing SPAC as a foundation for 2 to 3 weeks, we observed incredible results. By gradually increasing the load and duration of the sets, we saw a significant improvement in the number of high-quality repetitions athletes could perform. Prior to using the SPAC method, athletes typically averaged 7 to 9 reps per set. However, after incorporating SPAC into their training, this number nearly doubled, with athletes achieving an average of 16 to 18 reps. This increase in high-quality work output before fatigue set in proved the effectiveness of the SPAC method in optimizing training results.
Implementing the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method: A Powerful Approach for Athletic Performance
To effectively implement the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity method, follow these steps:
1) Choose your preferred exercise pairings. Here are some examples:
- – Bench press paired with a back squat or hex deadlift
- – Lat pulldown paired with Romanian deadlift
- – Chin-up paired with close grip bench press
- – Sport step up paired with shoulder press
2) Load up the bar with roughly 50% of the maximum weight for each lift. For example, if an athlete can bench press 300 pounds and back squat 400 pounds, they would load up 150 pounds and 200 pounds, respectively.
Begin the workout by performing one rep of bench press, followed quickly by one rep of back squat. Continue alternating between the two lifts for a desired time frame of 5 to 10 minutes. The goal is to keep the athlete’s heart rate between 150 and 165, staying within the aerobic zone below the estimated lactate threshold.
3) After completing the first set, rest for approximately 2 minutes before moving on to the next exercise pairing. For example, you could pair lat pulldown with Romanian deadlift. Feel free to interchange exercises and focus on different body parts. It’s recommended to pair agonist movements with antagonist movements.
4) For General Physical Preparedness (GPP) training, two athletes can work at the same stations, switching back and forth between lifts. Make sure to pair athletes with similar work capacity levels and training ages to maintain appropriate heart rates. If one athlete is more advanced, they should wait for the other athlete to keep their heart rate within the desired range. Both athletes should have relatively equal strength levels to ensure the set load remains at around 50% of their maximum.
5) In a large team setting, coaches can increase lift variety by including additional exercises. For example, setting up bench press, back squat, incline bench press, and hex deadlift. Rotate through these four lifts for the same time frame, adding variety to the lifting method.
It is recommended to incorporate this type of training two to three days a week, in conjunction with the tri-phasic contralateral circuit method on the other two to three days. The Strength Power Aerobic Capacity method is highly effective for larger athletes such as NFL and collegiate offensive/defensive linemen, linebackers, shot putters, and athletes in similar weight-based sports.
Implementing the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity method will enhance work capacity and overall performance, making it a valuable addition to any training regimen.
you can us 2 reps if the exercise is not raise heart rate as desired
In conclusion, the Strength Power Aerobic Capacity Method (SPAC) offers a groundbreaking approach to unlock your body’s full potential. By implementing this method, you can build muscle density, improve work capacity, and enhance aerobic conditioning. Get ready to push your limits and achieve greater results in any training regimen.
Here is a Program in Excel to figure out loads from maxes and exercises